TuEsDay - Rookie & Community-Ride
already over ...
TuEsDay - Rookie & Community-Rideby Cyclits Cycling Collective
Tue, 06.08. at 12:30
57 already participate
Must-Attend EventThis is a curated grouprides.cc highlight event


Kiosk LenauplatzLenauplatz 11, Köln

46 kmRoute

24 km/hPace

This awaits you
Es geht wieder los! Ab Mai steht wieder jeden 1. Dienstag im Monat unser legendärer TuEsDay Rookie & Community Ride auf dem Programm.

Hard Facts:

18.30h ab Lenauplatz inkl. Eisstop, PostRideBier & HowToOpenBeerWithYourCleats-Workshop.
• NoDropRide
• No Helmet No Ride!
• Eis-/Biergeld nicht vergessen

FLINTA* first!
Cis-Männer dürfen wie immer als Begleitung einer FLINTA* mitfahren.

Solltet ihr Fragen haben, meldet euch bei der Cyclit eures Vertrauens oder per Mail an ridewith@cyclits.cc


All individuals aged 18 or older (the organizer may request proof of age) and physically able to participate in the respective event are eligible to attend. grouprides.cc acts as an intermediary, not as the organizer. The event’s execution and organization are the responsibility of the person or brand listed on the event details page. By using grouprides.cc and registering for an event published by the organizer on grouprides.cc, you, as a participant, agree to the terms of use and this disclaimer.