Hilly Crew Ride
After Work Spin 70kby Lukas Piel
Short Facts
This awaits you
Lust auf einen entspannten Sundowner zum Start ins Wochenende ?
Hört sich gut an oder ?

Wir treffen uns an der Deutzer Freiheit und radeln den Rhein runter ins Bergische.

Treffen: 16:30 Uhr
Abfahrt 16:45 Uhr

25kmh im Schnitt (Auf alle wird an den Bergen gewartet)


Meldet euch an und seid dabei 🚀

Groupride disclaimer

Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 (The organizer may request proof of age) and are physically capable of participating in cycling. grouprides.cc acts as an event intermediary and not an organizer. The rides are organized and managed by the person named on the detail page. By using grouprides.cc and registering for an outing published on grouprides.cc by the organizer, you, as a participant, agree to the following terms of use.

Edit Groupride
Fr., 03.05. at 10:30
8 of 10 places available