La Marzocco Coffee-Ride
already over ...
La Marzocco
La Marzocco Coffee-Ride CGN
Sat, 13.07. at 04:30
0 of 11 places available

Habitat CoffeeBurgunderstraße 11, Köln

75 kmRoute

25 km/hPace

This awaits you
Während die Profis in Frankreich strampeln, lassen wir es uns beim Coffee-Ride gut gehen! Wir von La Marzocco möchten dir gemeinsam mit unseren Road-Captains unsere liebsten Cafés zeigen und laden dich auf den Kaffee ein. Damit du zukünftig immer gut hydriert bist, gibt es pro Teilnahme am Ride eine La Marzocco Bidon.
Du brauchst also nur eine Bidon mitbringen. Die zweite kriegst du direkt vor Ort.

Treffen: 10:30
Abfahrt: 10:45

Wir fahren 75km in einem entspannten Tempo in den Südwesten Kölns. Wichtig !
Es ist ein Social Ride und kein Drop Ride. Wer also Intervalle fahren will ist hier falsch.

Nach dem Ride schauen wir zusammen den Rest der Tour Etappe und es gibt Kaffee und Drinks!


Meldet euch an und seid dabei 🚀

La Marzocco Coffee Rides

The Grand Depart will take place this year on June 29th in Florence: the home of La Marzocco. It’s the perfect kickoff for the La Marzocco Coffee-Ride series in July, because what goes better together than cycling and espresso?

While some prefer to pull their espresso at home from their Linea Micra before the ride, others start at their favorite café. Either way, coffee during the group ride is on the house, and you also get a bidon so you won't go dry during the ride.

With the Linea Micra, you can bring the café experience home, and it heats up faster than you can change for your ride. For the perfect match, Pico delivers finely ground espresso.

The Tour de France is the highlight of the racing calendar; while the men take to the streets in July, the Tour de France blues this year will be delayed because the women don’t start until August.

In cooperation withLa Marzocco

Groupride waiver

Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 (The organizer may request proof of age) and are physically capable of participating in cycling. acts as an event intermediary and not an organizer. The rides are organized and managed by the person named on the detail page. By using and registering for an outing published on by the organizer, you, as a participant, agree to the following terms of use.