This awaits you
It's about chit-chat ride!
Pripojte sa k našej verejnej jazde a zažite atmosféru jazdy so Ziletkami. Naše jazdy dosahujú priemernú rýchlosť 32 km/h, preto nie sú vhodné pre úplných začiatočníkov. Najvhodnejším prostriedkom na udržanie nášho tempa sú tradičné cestné bicykle. Nezabudnite, že ide o skupinovú jazdu, nie závod, preto sa prosím držte za vedúcimi Ziletiek počas celej jazdy.
Záverečnou bodkou jazdy bude stretnutie v Isadore Community Hube (ICH), kde si môžete vychutnať šálku kávy Pikola a príležitostne aj kúsok koláča! Príspevky sú vítané.
Miesto stretnutia: Tyršák - parkovisko o 5:59am
Dojazd: Isadore Community Hub
Pred jazdou sa uistite, že ste si prečítali Etiketu skupinovej jazdy, ktorú je potrebné dodržiavať pre zabezpečenie plynulosti a bezpečnosti jazdy:
Tešíme sa na vás o 5:59am!
P.S.: Snažíme sa nikoho počas jazdy nestratiť, ale naša jazda nie je NO-DROP. Helma a náhradna duša su povinné.
Join our public rides and experience the Ziletky vibe. Our rides average a speed of 32km/h; therefore, they are not suitable for newbies. Traditional road bikes are the only tool you should use to keep up with our pace. Remember, it’s a group ride, not a race, so ensure you stay behind the Ziletky leaders at all times.
We’ll wrap up at the Isadore Community Hub, where you can enjoy a cup of Coffee by Pikola and, on occasion, a slice of cake! Contributions are welcome.
Meeting Point: Tyrsak at 5:59am
Ending Point: Isadore Community Hub
Please make sure to review our Group Ride Etiquette before joining us; it’s crucial for safety:
Looking forward to seeing you at 5:59am!
P.S.: We don’t intentionally leave anyone behind, but occasionally, a small number of riders may get dropped. Wearing a helmet and carrying a spare tube are essential.
Become a part of Planet Isadore
A home for the cycling community, where wheels unite, and boundaries disappear. A place to embrace the vibrant spirit of inclusive cycling, explore landscapes unknown, and forge unbreakable friendships on our global playground of adventure.
We’re on the hunt for pioneering riders to join our world. Embark on rides unknown and lay the groundwork for our community to thrive. Whether you’re road or gravel mad, just starting out on your cycling journey or a seasoned pro embarking on a new venture. If you’ve got an incredible story to tell or think we should be involved in your next chapter, then we want to hear from you.
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All individuals aged 18 or older (the organizer may request proof of age) and physically able to participate in the respective event are eligible to attend. acts as an intermediary, not as the organizer. The event’s execution and organization are the responsibility of the person or brand listed on the event details page. By using and registering for an event published by the organizer on, you, as a participant, agree to the terms of use and this disclaimer.